February 29, 2008

Snuggly the Security Bear

On Thursday, President Bush - who appears never to tire of the fear-mongering schtick that has been the trademark of his administration - once again gave condescending voice to the thorough contempt he apparently feels for the public and the Constitution. Unlike the Senate, the House of Representatives has not (yet) knuckled under to his demand that blanket immunity be provided for telecommunications companies that broke the law to assist the government in illegal spying on Americans. In response, Mr. Bush and his backers have continued to not only lie outright about what exactly is at stake, but launch some of the cheeziest and misleading political advertising ever to blight the airwaves:

The president's assertion that we should inherently trust faceless civil service functionaries because "civil liberties [are] protected by analysts 'and treated with respect,'" is laughable on its face, and as has been well-documented elsewhere and in earlier posts, Mr. Bush's broader arguments in favor of letting pet lawbreakers off the hook are total hogwash. Rather than rehash the dry reasoning behind that well-supported assertion, however, why don't we just let Mark Fiore's Snuggly the Security Bear explain it?

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